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SMNYC 2024: Synamedia的Robin Oakley谈流媒体安全和消费者体验

流媒体的蒂姆·西格林在2024年纽约流媒体上采访了Synamedia的罗宾·奥克利. He emphasizes the importance of a proactive approach to security and highlights the company's work with the common access token format, a CTA Wave initiative that aims to create a common CDN token syntax that can be used across multiple CDNs. He also touches on the challenges of protecting content while maintaining a quality experience for the consumer and the increasing sophistication of piracy.

SMNYC 2024: id3as首席营销官Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen谈到挪威语,低代码,无代码 & 流媒体的过去和未来

流媒体's Tim Siglin interviews Norsk CMO Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen at 纽约流媒体 2024. Schumacher-Rasmussen is a former editor of 流媒体 and current Chief Marketing Officer of id3as, 一家总部位于英国的软件开发初创公司. 他介绍了挪威语, 一个带有低代码SDK的实时媒体服务器,允许用户构建复杂的, 可伸缩的, 实时流工作流程. Rasmussen predicts a trend towards no-code solutions in the industry and emphasizes the importance of making streaming accessible to non-experts.

SMNYC 2024:流媒体学习中心的Jan Ozer谈论AI,编解码器和专利池

在2024年纽约流媒体展上,蒂姆·西格林采访了流媒体学习中心的简·奥泽. Ozer discusses how the Streaming Learning Center has expanded into a platform offering courses on streaming-related topics to help technical people in the industry become familiar with terms, 技术, 最佳实践, 和工具. 他还谈到了机器学习, 向神经编程单元(npu)的转变, 以及由于潜在的专利侵权而选择编解码器的法律和财务影响.

SMNYC 2024: Microsoft CTO Andy Beach Talks Gamified FAST and Leveraging AI to Make Old Content Feel New

流媒体's Tim Siglin interviews Microsoft CTO Andy Beach at 纽约流媒体 2024 about gamification ideas for FAST. Beach discusses the concepts of creating trivia and interactivity through a second-screen app that allows users to connect and compete with each other. 他还谈到了将旧内容带入2024年的技术挑战, 生成式人工智能的潜力, 将物理事件整合到游戏化过程中.

SMNYC 2024: Grabyo的Clare Butler谈论云流媒体服务和定价模式

流媒体的蒂姆·西格林采访Grabyo的克莱尔·巴特勒流媒体纽约2024. She highlights that Grabyo is not geographically bound and caters to anyone working in the live space, 包括新闻广播员, 体育俱乐部, 娱乐制作人. 她还强调了云解决方案的成本效益, 注意到云技术现在与内部部署解决方案不相上下, 提供即时回放和SCTE-35广告插入等功能.

SMNYC 2024: LPG edu Founder and Netflix Global Ed Alum Lori Greene Talks Career Pivots and Finding Your Purpose

流媒体的蒂姆·西格林在2024年纽约流媒体大会上采访了LPG edu的创始人洛里·格林. 格林曾在Netflix负责全球教育业务. 她讨论了在线教学的挑战和吸引学生的重要性. 她还分享了她对职业发展的见解, 强调理解自己目的的重要性的, 个人品牌, 网络, 成为一种积极的力量.

SMNYC 2024: Tastemade's Evan Bregman Talks Independent Streaming Alliance and Standardizing Measurement

在纽约流媒体, Tim Siglin interviews Evan Bregman of Tastemade and the Independent Streaming Alliance (ISA) about the fast growth of Tastemade's streaming service and the ISA's aims to overcome hurdles in the streaming industry through collaboration and standardizing measurement in a fragmented ecosystem.

SMNYC 2024:派拉蒙的史蒂夫·埃利斯谈论优质内容、广告和度量

流媒体's Tim Siglin interviews Paramount Advertising COO Steve Ellis at 纽约流媒体 2024. Ellis discusses the growth of ad-supported streaming and Paramount's role as a pioneer in this space, and he highlights the importance of full-episode programming in reaching and engaging audiences effectively. He and Siglin also talk about the new Nielsen gauge measurement that shows the total reach of audiences across all premium publishers and YouTube, 他还强调了有效广告的必要性,这些广告必须与提高意识的目标相一致, 考虑, 最后点击归因.

SMNYC 2024: Bedrock首席执行官Jonas Engwall谈到泛欧流媒体平台的增长

流媒体's Tim Siglin interviews Bedrock Streaming CEO Jonas Engwall at 纽约流媒体 2024. Bedrock是欧洲领先的流媒体技术公司, 和Engwall讨论他们的M6+平台, 哪个以垂直形式呈现短格式内容, 播客, 先进的人工智能搜索. Engwall还谈到了Bedrock的目标是如何帮助利益相关者进入流媒体世界, 提供一个可根据不同国家和合作伙伴需求量身定制的平台.

NAB 2024: JVC会谈新的PTZ凸轮和12通道vMix工作室切换器

JVC's Alicia Reed discusses key features of JVC's KY-PZ510 and KY-PZ540 PTZ cams--including extra-narrow zoom, 广角角, 和智能自动跟踪-以及JVC的新12通道vMix工作室切换器与NDI, SRT, and SDI support in this interview with 流媒体's Marc Franklin from the JVC booth at NAB 2024.

NAB 2024:鸟狗会谈X1和X1 Ultra PTZs和MAKI盒子相机

BirdDog创始人 & CEO Dan Miall discusses BirdDog's newest camera offerings--the X1 and X1 Ultra PTZs and the MAKI Ultra box camera--in this interview with 流媒体's Shawn Lam from the BirdDog booth at NAB 2024.

NAB 2024:艾伦 & Heath Talks CQ系列数字音频混频器

艾伦 & Heath市场营销专家理查德·斯塔尔让观众近距离观察艾伦 & 希思的CQ系列数字音频混频器与他们的触摸屏和物理控制, 自动混音器, 会议预设, 车库乐队, 和更多的, 和远程操作能力,这是对来自艾伦的流媒体的肖恩·林的采访 & 2024年NAB的Heath booth.

NAB 2024:黑魔法设计,SMPTE 2110和IP视频

在NAB 2024的Blackmagic设计展位上接受采访, Blackmagic Design's Bob Caniglia and 流媒体's Shawn Lam discuss how Blackmagic is enabling producers to convert 4K and HD signals to SMPTE 2110 so they can move content across IP networks, with their new open-source 2110 IP codec and new 10 gig port-equipped Blackmagic Design cameras that support it like the PYXIS 6K and the URSA Cine 12K.

NAB 2024: vMix会谈vMix 27和缩放集成

vMix 27的主要特性之一是Zoom集成, 允许远程百家乐软件app最新版下载引入(理论上)无限数量的远程访客, vMix Senior Systems Engineer Heath Barker reports in this interview with 流媒体's Shawn Lam in the vMix booth at NAB. Barker还快速演示了该功能的工作原理.

NAB 2024: PTZOptics会谈蜂巢工作室和远程相机控制

PTZOptics技术总监Matthew Davis讨论Hive Studio, PTZOptics新的基于云的远程相机控制解决方案, 这是在NAB 2024上对流媒体的肖恩·林的采访.


关于ATSC 3的问题很多.0,又名下一代电视:是OTA吗? 是不是太过了?? 是中央电视台吗?? 我的电视能播放吗? 它是带着新前倾的承诺来流媒体的吗, 互动消费者体验和可寻址广告? 它与OTT和FAST有什么重叠之处, 它能为观众提供什么他们现在无法从OTA电视上获得的东西? ATSC主席Madeleine Noland, E.W. 克里·奥斯朗德, 辛克莱首席信息官Scott Ehrlich说, and Dillon Media Ventures' Rob Dillon explore these questions 和更多的 in this clip from 流媒体连接2024.

NAB 2024: Atomos谈论忍者手机

在NAB 2024的展厅里, Shawn Lam of 流媒体 and SLV Live interviews Atomos CEO Jeromy Young about the new Atomos Ninja Phone, 如何将iPhone 15 Pro或Pro Max变成1600像素, 10位, 2,000,000:1的对比度, 460 ppi, HDR OLED, ProRes监视器记录仪的任何专业HDMI相机.


衡量体育流媒体成功与否的第一个标准是复制有线电视/广播电视的体验, but AWS' Julie Neenan Souza insists that sports streamers should be aiming higher when it comes to leveraging streaming's core strengths, 从互动性到投注到个性化再到实时电子商务. Meanwhile ViewLift's Chance 梅森 contends that the key to next-level sports streaming delivery is streaming infrastructure companies like AWS embracing their emerging role as D2C media companies and partnering with sports leagues and sports rights holders at that level. Souza, 梅森, and Altman Solon's Matt del Percio discuss these and other emerging opportunities for sports streaming in this clip from 流媒体连接2024.


在流媒体用户体验和应用程序设计中保持品牌标识和差异化有多重要, 多么重要, 甚至不可能或不明智, 它是为了在不同平台上保持一致的外观和感觉吗? 品牌在整个粉丝体验中是多么重要, 或者为与你的品牌相关的内容建立一个粉丝基础? YouTube电视台的埃丝特·安报道, 麦哲伦电视台的James Lauzun报道, Crunchyroll的Tom Hurlbutt也加入了进来, 这是在流媒体连接2024上与Reality Software的Nadine Krefetz的讨论.


当涉及到大规模实现流媒体技术时, 高赌注的体育直播, 通常,围绕管理延迟的决策不仅受到网络条件的影响,还受到成本的影响, 观众的期望, 诸如此类. 全球数字产品,平台 & Adtech Manager Jonas Ribeiro reveals the latency Globo delivers on typical sports streams at scale and what factors into those numbers in this discussion with Eyevinn Technology's Magnus Svensson at 流媒体连接2024.