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What Can Broadcasters Learn from Niche Streamers?

流媒体一次又一次地证明了“利基市场的财富”,以及发展敏捷性的优势,即精确定位更小的市场,并为他们提供有针对性的内容, how can broadcasters benefit from learning to think like streamers, and what strategies can they adopt to leverage that thinking? Rob Dillon, Head of Digital Product, 直箭新闻, Michael Nagle, GM of Streaming, 甘尼特/《百家乐软件》, Ben Ratner, Director of 新闻 Technology, 波士顿25新闻, Eric Bergner, Partner, Manatt Digital and Technology Transactions, 本案中陷入美国马纳特、费尔普斯 & 菲利普斯, Johan Bolin, Chief Business Officer, Media & 广播, 敏捷的内容, and Corey Smith, Senior Director, Advanced Production Technology, CBS体育数字频道, 派拉蒙, offer their insights in this clip from a recent panel at 流媒体 Connect 2023.

“Traditionally, broadcasters had to serve everybody,” Dillon says. “They had to be all things to everyone. Whereas a lot of the successful fast channels are ‘niching’ down. Are broadcasters really prepared to ‘niche down,’ and what can they learn from the people who have already done it?”

Nagle says, “I think for 《百家乐软件》, we don't see ourselves purely as one thing. 当你拥有纯粹从类型角度划分内容的平台时,这是一个挑战,因为有时候我们是新闻, 有时我们的生活方式, sometimes we're entertainment. 我认为观众不一定会在单车道上寻找东西,除非他们正在观看体育赛事或重大新闻事件. 我认为对于程序员来说,拥有这种灵活性和技术的灵活性是很重要的,因为这是广告收入的来源. 我听说从最热门的体育和新闻到最难卖给广告商的都有. I think it's important for brands, 程序员——无论你站在镜头或屏幕的哪一边——都要有灵活性,为尽可能多的人提供尽可能多的东西.”

Ratner notes that technology has improved, and its costs have lowered to the point where “You can produce higher quality content, literally just using a computer in some cases using your phone,他说. “云服务……有所有这些东西,你可以创建看起来像传统广播节目. 所以我认为这是一些传统广播公司需要考虑的方式,以便能够触及更多的小通道,这样他们就可以接触到每个人.”

伯格纳强调了数字平台在瞄准特定观众方面的灵活性. “That's one of the beautiful things about digital,他说. “你可以使用任何你想要的元数据,让你的内容以你想要的方式被搜索. So if you feel that you're straddling multiple genres, then you can code your content accordingly and pull in viewers who are looking for different things, and yet they wind up in the same place.”

柏林先生推测, “What can broadcasters learn from internet services in general who have been successful? Because at the end of the day, 互联网给我们带来了一些很少——如果有其他技术的话——能做到的事情, one being instant global reach, 另一个是交互性.” He argues that despite cost concerns, 生成更加个性化的体验并引入与用户的交互性最终是非常有价值的. “We should look at how we can use the internet to redefine the product,他说. “你需要使用不同的工具和不同的部分,把它们组合在一起,形成更像是互联网式的服务,并努力吸引用户.”

科里·史密斯强调,一个挥之不去的主要问题是在全球范围内公平分配内容的法律障碍. “The folks that are trying to monetize content and channels, they're still restricted by the rights holders,他说. “所以地理围栏仍然存在这种束缚,它不是一个真正发展的平台,你没有更广泛的全球影响力,因为在许多市场中,你现在走在不同的版权所有者身上, like what you have in the linear world. 所以,直到我们把它发展成一种新的商业模式,让我在北美的权利和广播可以延伸到欧洲、南美和非洲, 等., and we can get the content really going out there. There’s a lot of money to be made, but the fact is we’re still stuck on this designated market area (DMA) technology.”

Nagle重申了Bolin提出的观点的重要性,即把互联网作为扩大受众范围和互动性的一个例子. “《百家乐软件》一直在努力做的一件事就是给我们的流媒体频道带来类似的体验,就像我们的读者在网上和实体报纸上使用二维码一样,他说. “If people want their news coming in a newsletter to their email inbox, they can use their phone to scan the QR code on our screen. We're running headlines at the bottom of our screen. We're taking video stories that appear in the local newspapers. We have more than 200 local newspapers in the US. Those are embedded journalists in these local markets. 我们相信我们的新闻是独一无二的,因为讲述这些故事的人是这些故事发生的社区的一部分. 我认为Johan Bolin提到的个性化和策划能力是正确的. 搜索, discovery, how you tell stories, and presenting new products to your viewers onscreen.”

Learn more about a wide range of streaming industry topics at the next 流媒体 Connect in November 2023.

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